Demons End (Tremble Island) Page 12
Leroi invited the two to follow them to Morlien Hall. “If we are south of the cove, Wensel is walking in the wrong direction. You start toward the Hall and I will fetch her. It will take little time to catch up with you and hopefully we shall all be safely at Morlien this night.” He was already walking rapidly in the direction she had taken.
He caught up with her as she bent over at the waist, and she seemed to fall into a writhing heap in the sand. He rushed to her and gathered her body into his arms. “You will stop this, I am capable of feeding your Hag and demand you give her allowance to take what I would freely give. Why you wish to deprive yourself of what I can give to you makes no sense. Why are you doing this? We are mated, do you not understand that to hurt you hurts me too?”
She was tired of being strong, so very tired of being alone, yet knowing his friend had mated with her and not told her, and now Leroi was claiming her as his mate also. This was too much. “I never take as much energy from any being as the banshee demands. I killed the only person who would love me and I loved as unconditionally without knowing what I had done until she was dead beside my pallet. I killed my nursemaid. Later, when I followed my heart’s need for a babe of my own, I killed a lover by sucking the very life from his being. I lost control both times. The banshee was not satisfied, she wanted more and more energy. The only two times I have lost control since the death of the male, have been first with Koler, and again with you on the ship. I might not have killed either of you those times, but what of the next? How long can you continue to feed the wretched Hag without dying?”
Leroi wanted to laugh and tell her not to be ridiculous. The sincerity in her cracking voice and black and red tears running down her face made him aware that she was not going to be put off her concerns with a simple show of his abilities, she would always worry that he would die in her passion, and that was something he refused to allow her to worry over. To have her, knowing she was holding her passions back in fear, was not something he would put up with, and Koler would throw a fit if he were to learn she might try while coupling with him too.
“I see the only way for you to grasp the knowledge is for you to see it for yourself. I have no recollection of discussing mated demons with you before, and I believe that now would be the proper time.
“Demons that mate with banshees can produce demon offspring. Without that exact pairing, the children of a demon and other being produce shifter children, most of the time the children are deformed, or have characteristics of the mother’s linage. Only one demon is allowed to be born every seventy years or more. Somehow the forces of the Goddess know when a babe should be born. I am the youngest demon on Tremble Island that we have any knowledge of.
“As for your worry about taking my life, while I share energy with your banshee. You also have a cat shifter inside of your delightful body. How your genetics managed to include such a being, I have no answers for. I have yet to speak to Koler, and if he does not have the answers, I would not know of another creature that would. I would imagine your cat’s nature to hunt also helps feed the banshee. The fear from the prey must help curb her appetite.
“Here is the most important thing you need to know. Demons always share a banshee when one is found to mate with. For the very reasons you have given me, fear from the banshee that she will kill her mate. Koler and I are well-fed creatures consigned to the darkness by our very nature, yet a mate is shared, without jealously or worries. If you tire me out with your enthusiastic lovemaking, you have Koler to enjoy for your pleasure at the ready. Most times we will love you together, if you do not mind having two sweaty males filling your body with our passions and seed. I can hear your thoughts without reading your mind. What of love?
“Did you not notice that I sought your warmth from the first time I saw you? I felt your need. When we fucked as deeply as possible, did you not feel the emotions flooding the two of us? Emotional energy is what filled you that day, Wensel. It is the way of demons and their mates. Your confusion with Koler and me should rest, my love, Ko3ler must care to have given you his hallmark on your flank. Mine is on the other side. I did offer to show you.”
She had seen the markings, small tridents with flames and black orbs surrounding the yellow and black marks decorated her outer thighs. The two tridents crossing hilts over the center of her chest was a bit of over kill in her opinion. Would she really be allowed to let the banshee have her way with the demons? Leroi appeared so positive the arrangement as he explained it to her would be not only beneficial to her, but a chance to belong with someone, actually two someone’s. The fact they may be allowed to throw in a baby to love was pure temptation. She nodded. “All right, let us find Tremble Island, and begin to see if a life together can work for three beings such as we are.” It had been four days since she had taken that swim to rescue Koler’s friend. Would he truly be as eager to have another demon involved as Leroi seemed to think?
They reached the village of Morlien Hall as the sun was beginning to set. Entering the Hall was strange, as if they had been gone for weeks instead of mere days. Especially not knowing what had occurred during the time of their absence. It was the first time Wensel had been to the place. Her life had been centered down by the place where the river running behind the village flowed, and the sea met in the cove. She missed Aria fiercely and wondered how the little one had fared in the tender care of Lady Tremble.
Waller and Peter headed for the kitchen to beg a meal from the staff.
After greeting the Lords and Lady Tremble, and recounting a shortened version of their experiences, Leroi begged to be excused, “I have mated Wensel, and wish to take her into Demons End. We both have need of nourishment that cannot be found in the kitchens of Morlien Hall.” Their smiles of understanding and assurances to Wensel that Aria was safe and sleeping fell in with his plans.
He knew they drew the conclusion that he wished to take her away to make love to his mate, and he did, eventually. For the immediate future, she would be fed all of the emotional energy the banshee could glut herself on. He planned to take her into the cavern of the pit. There would be no way for his mate to harm anyone there and she would know it.
Afterwards, his plans for her were purely decadent. His grin made her stop and stare at him, before she resumed walking by his side. Koler would be brought to his knees to see her enter the domain of the demons and he was happy to be bringing his friend their mate as a gift to celebrate their reunion.
Koler was amusing himself by bouncing the five tar colored orbs in his hands as he bounced them from Borland’s fleshy ass, and the cook’s bare belly. Each time the orbs connected with the unprotected flesh he heard a squeal from the former lord. The cook tried to be a hard case in the beginning, he soon learned the Demon Prince was not so easily impressed. Cook was on all fours to begin with, his stoic response to the first few orbs hitting on the stomach, and bouncing back to the hand that launched them, made Koler become more inventive. He moved behind the cook, and aimed the orbs directly at the brown asshole showing between the bully’s hips. He knew the orbs texture was like nettles, and when they lodged from the force of his throw in the small opening, the first two became pounded inside of the creature. The resulting screams were music to his ears. He knew this would become a favorite activity when he felt the least stressed.
He felt them before he knew they were there. The feel of emotional energy rushing past him had his head swiveling toward the room’s entrance. There, standing in the passageway, was his beautiful banshee, followed by his friend. He tossed the orbs in his hands at the bound scraps of evil flesh with unerring accuracy. He ignored the orbs bouncing back to him from hitting the flesh, the screams as they hit the opposite walls were barely registered with his demon smile as he rushed to grab Wensel into his embrace.
He held her tight to his chest, and only heard Leroi’s laugh over his own shout of happiness, and Wensel’s hands holding his jaws, pulling his face to hers for a kiss. That caress to
ld him so much more than words could express at the moment. He felt her banshee drawing in the thick emotions surrounding the three of them and those drifting from the workroom. He loosed one of his hands from her body and reached to clasp wrists with Leroi.
“I could only hope for your return, both of you. You must tell me what happenstance found the two of you on that ship. I know you were there, for I traced your essence, and your friend, Lord Pudding Bottom, bragged of your demise once I brought him here as my guest. Wensel must have followed you somehow.” He felt her banshee’s greedy intake of the energy that always hung in the air in the caverns of Demons End.
“That is good, feed the Hag so she will leave us in peace later. Let us go to our quarters and you can tell me of your adventures. I have missed you, but seeing you together gives me hope that our mate has accepted and embraced her role with the two of us.”
He continued to carry her, clinging to his body, with her legs wrapped around his waist and head on his shoulder. The banshee was purring in contentment for the third time in her life and Wensel silently gave thanks to the Goddess. Now, if they could come to some comfortable understanding of this mating thing, her life would be as content as the gluttonous banshee felt at this moment.
Chapter Fourteen
She had not meant to cling to Koler like this. She refused to hide her emotions from the two handsome males. Through the trek home to Morlien Hall, she had done nothing but think about the males. She was seated in a comfortable chair while Koler fetched them a light meal to feed their bodies.
Leroi kept smiling at her, until she threw her shoe at him, and he outright laughed. “I told you that we are ideal mates, did I not?” He came to her, scooped her into his arms, and settled himself down where she had been moments before. “Now will you believe that you cannot harm either Koler or me? Your fears are no longer valid, my love. I can feel the cat purr, and the other one is ready to nap.” His hands rubbed along her muscles and shoulders.
When she squirmed, she felt his prick thicken under her thigh and sat as still as she could. All she needed was for Koler to come into the room and see her and Leroi in a passionate embrace to make the situation more difficult. She glanced toward the direction he had gone and sat staring at him standing a few feet from where they were. There was no anger or jealously in his gaze. The only discernible emotion she could find was—lust? Did seeing her in another male’s arms inspire him to grow heated in that way? She allowed her eyes to travel over the tall muscular male that claimed her as his mate and drew in a deep breath to see the bulge rising from his crotch, almost to his navel. His eyes never strayed from hers as he placed the tray in his hands on a small table near the wall, and advanced toward them.
“It has been too long and I have worried too much for this to not be a necessity. I have a need to bury my cock deep inside your kitty and hear you purr for me, Wensel. I will lick your cream, and satisfy my thirst, then, I will spear you onto my cock, and hold you open for Leroi to join us. That is my truth for you to say yes or no to. If your answer is no, please do not toy with my affection, for I have spent many hours in remembrance of being buried deep inside of your tight body.”
For all of her life she had wanted to belong, to have someone that would not be harmed by her affection and love. She could not blame her decision on the way Leroi toyed with her breasts, or the way his sneaky fingers slipped under her shift, to play with the curls covering her center. She felt her womb contract, and looked at Leroi before making her mind up. These males offered her everything, and Leroi kept playing with her body while staring at her face intently. There was only one thing for her to do once she saw the same hunger in his eyes as Koler had.
“I am not certain how to go about this mating, but I am not willing to walk away from either of you. I believe you have slipped into my heart as well as my body.” The shift was pulled over her head within seconds, and the three of them were kneeling on the thick rug before she knew how she had gotten there. Two male heads were at her chest and both breasts were being pulled between the males’ lips. Their hands roamed at will over every curve and crevice of her body, and she screamed in happiness when Koler lay down on the rug and pulled her over his face to open her up for his hungry mouth.
“This kitty is beautiful, Wensel. Such a good pussy, such a sweet pussy, to give me your cream like this. Do you see Leroi’s cock waiting to sink into your lovely bottom? You might enjoy his prick with your mouth while I enjoy you with mine.” Aside from a few slurping noises and groans each time she felt yet more of her juices fall from her tunnel onto his tongue, he concentrated on the task of driving her passions higher. She looked to the side and saw Leroi’s thick cock hanging from the patch of dark frizzy hair and licked her lips, before licking the small drops of liquid fire from the tip.
The cock jumped up and bobbed when she licked it like that, and she wanted to see it happen again. She became fascinated by the way his prick looked, it was a beautiful appendage. Her fingers traced the long veins bumping up under the smooth skin, before she took the dark rose-colored head into her mouth. Her tongue teased the single slit, and she set her teeth to lightly scrape the skin around the opening. She smiled as she felt him begin to shake. He pulled his cock from her, and stepped out of her reach, and bent to kiss and lick her breasts. “Is Koler making you feel good, little kitty?” There was no denying that she was enjoying the attentions of the talented mouth and fingers working her body into a mass of pleasure. He sucked the small muscle that gave her such pleasure when he tormented it, into his mouth and two fingers sank deep inside her slippery tunnel. He made a humming sound and curled his fingers, dragging them out slowly, repeating the treatment again, and yet again until she broke. The sounds screaming from her open mouth gave him cause to keep his fingers over that small patch of flesh inside of the channel that was trying to suck his fingers deeper for her enjoyment. Her hips bucked and Leroi pinched her nipples as she rode out her need on Koler’s thick fingers.
Leroi loved seeing her head fall back as she screamed through her first climax of the night. Once she had quieted a bit, he plucked her from Koler’s fingers and mouth and reversed her body on top of his friend. He helped her straddle the thick prick standing straight, waiting its turn to sink into her wet depths.
While Koler held her breasts in his hands and twisted her hard nipples, Leroi fingered her wetness, pulling the slick juice up her slit and into the small opening of her rear hole. He slid one finger past the tight ring of muscle and groaned, before pulling his digit back and adding a second finger to help widen the pathway for his cock. He gathered more of her slick lubricant, and continued to widen her hole, until she shuddered, and Koler slid his prick steadily inside the warm wet heat. He slowly drew back, and pushed her hips down further each time, forging a path for his thick prick, to the mouth of her womb.
Leroi placed the head of his cock where he had just removed his fingers and held the cheeks of her ass wide for his purpose of getting as deep inside of the tight hole as his cock would go. Once the head of his cock was inside the ringed muscle, the entire length of his pride followed so very slow, that she was fucking herself on Koler’s prick, and taking his cock deeper with each thrust of her hips. He let one of the mounds of flesh in his hands go and reached around her to pull at the tiny but powerful muscle of her clit. Two wiggles of his fingers on that muscle helped her to achieve the most enjoyment as possible. As her body began to clamp and release in both of her filled openings, she felt the heat of their seed sluicing into her and completely lost her mind in pleasure. “Yes, oh Goddess, yes. She ground her body down hard on Koler and his shout of completion matched Leroi’s, as his body jerked under Wensel.
Leroi pulled her to the side and off Koler, who was still breathing deeply and twitching. “Do you see what we can offer you, my love? Will you stay and be our love and laughter in this dark place?”
It took no time for her to decide that yes, she would stay with them, She now had more than enough
to make her happy. There would be no need to worry about harming either male, and every reason to believe that as long as they were together, no wish was too farfetched for her to achieve. She could give no other answer than a jubilant yes. “You will see the true Hag as you have labeled her, should you try to run from me now. I will be happy and proud to call you my spouses, my mates.
“We must find a small hut or hovel to stay in, for Arial cannot be raised in the darkness and thrive.” She continued to make plans, and the demons grinned at each other.
They retired to Koler’s room where the sleeping pallet took up most of the small space. Lying between her handsome mates, Wensel again thanked the Goddess and whatever fates had intervened on her behalf. She knew she wore a silly grin as she drifted to sleep, but the giddy feeling refused to leave her brain, and she rejoiced in her circumstance. She was happy, truly happy for the first time in her adult life.
The next morning, one of the Amazons from the Tremble forces came to the demons cavern and began yelling into the darkness for the demons to come to meet with Lord Lion. Had she ventured fifty feet into the darkness, she would have been shocked to see a beautifully appointed room made comfortable by rugs on the stone floor and draperies on the walls. Since no one ventured that far inside the cavern, no one knew the place was actually very livable, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Wensel felt pride in her mates as she stood between them in front of the Lords and Lady of Tremble. She was ready to defend any actions that would be leveled at her mates and was itching for someone to accuse them of wrongdoing. The words from Lord Lion Tremble deflated her readiness, for it was not needed.
“After much consideration, and watching your interaction with the beings here at the Hall, I have come to the conclusion that you were correct in saying that you have an important role in our society. I am reminded of the balance between natural beings and those of a dual nature, and what it takes to keep the balance from becoming toppled from the middle to one side. You have told me of the history of the Hall and this place, that too is something I have taken into consideration.” Lion paused, then glanced at the small crowd of villagers, none of whom seemed intimidated or overly frightened by the sight of two Demon Princes and the small woman between them.